Let's Make (Almost) Anything
Husani Sallah
Embedded Programming
This week, I read the ATtiny 44 microcontroller data sheet which was like brail to me. I didn't understand much of what I was reading. Throughout the read I couldnt't help but think how important programming as a skill is to a world of programmable machines. And so I shook off the sleep and continued to read so that I could one day become familiar with the language of programming. Im sure I won't appreciate the data sheet until my understanding of programming language increases. I programmed my echo hello-world board using C programming language in Arduino IDE. The LED that I attached to the echo hello board is now programmed to cut on when the switch (button) is pressed and the light stays on for a four second count.

This will be useful for my final project. I plan to use this switch to either cut my machine on and off or I will use it to pick up the speed or change rail positions of my soon to be fabricated sliding machine.

Here is a video showing you how this program operates: